Willacy County Sheriff concerned about losing jail staff after Hidalgo County rents out detention center
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As Hidalgo County gets ready to assume control of the Willacy County Regional Detention Center, Willacy County Sheriff Jose Salazar said he's worried he'll lose as much as half of his staff.
Salazar says it all boils down to money, as Hidalgo County can offer his current employees more.
"The fact is that we may lose, we stand to lose at least 50% of our staff, our jail staff," Salazar said.
The pay difference is about $8,000. It's a dollar amount Willacy County says they just can't match right now.
RELATED: Leasing agreement signed for Hidalgo County to rent out Willacy County Detention Center
Salazar worries the pay, along with the detention facility's location right next door, could make the decision to switch jobs easier to make.
A better pay for jailers is what Salazar says he wants to provide but can't right now.
"We can't hold our people back," Salazar said. "They have to better themselves financially, and that is a very good thing for them."
Willacy County Judge Aurelio Guerra says he's aware of what could come, but any pay increase would have to fit within the county's budget.
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