
Water safety tips for parents

By: Stefany Rosales

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With the increase in temperatures and summer vacation starting for many students throughout the Valley, officials want to remind families to stay on alert around water.

Brownsville Fire Department Assistant Chief Eugenio Cardenas says while having lifeguards on duty is great, parents shouldn’t depend on them.

“Let’s not expect anybody else to be keeping an eye on them," Cardenas said. "Unfortunately, drownings are very silent, so you’re not going to hear panic, you’re not going to hear anything like that.”

Brownsville pediatrician Dr. Asim Zamir says trouble can happen quickly in the water. 

“The important part of water safety is that the accident can happen in the flash of a second," Dr. Zamir said. "We have to be very careful.”

Dr. Zamir says a child can drown if they're under the water anywhere from three to five minutes.

Parents are also advised to take their children to the doctor if the child experiences a near-drowning.  

“They should be watched overnight in the hospital and make sure they’re not developing any complications," Dr. Zamir said. "They get dehydrated. They get salt depleted.”

Experts also recommend parents to learn CPR. 

The city of Brownsville will be hosting a CPR training course this Saturday at the Brownsville Event Center and it’s open to the public for free. 


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