
Lack of rain means higher feed prices for Valley ranchers

By: Dianté Marigny

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The lack of rain in the Rio Grande Valley is causing a new concern for ranchers.

They say no rain means no hay.

“Everybody right now they're looking for hay, we don't have the hay because no irrigation, no water,” Hidalgo County Cowboy Teo Martinez said.

The hay that is available for feed has nearly doubled in price over the last year.

An average bail used to cost $50. Now it’s $100.

Martinez says those expenses trickle down.

“We got no grass to feed the animals,” Martinez explained. “What happens is… everybody wants to sell the cattle. Later on we gonna get so high price for the meat, everybody will pay for that. Not just the ranchers, everybody."

Some ranchers are now using grain and corn as feed instead of hay.

Watch the video above for the full story. 


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