
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi Visits RGV

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SAN JUAN--House minority leader Nancy Pelosi visited the Rio Grande Valley Saturday.
     Pelosi participated in a round table discussion at LUPE with congressman Vicente Gonzalez and Sister Norma Pimentel from Sacred Heart Church. Pelosi and Gonzalez discussed the impacts of the Trump administration's executive orders on immigration. The congress members also toured the respite center at Sacred Heart Church before heading to LUPE.
     Pelosi says she wanted to hear directly from immigrant families affected by the executive order.
     "I will say, speaking for myself and just about every member of the house democratic caucus, we believe that it's essential to have a path to citizenship," Pelosi said. "This is not a country where we say ok we'll let you come here and work, but we're not going to let you be honored with citizenship."
     Congressman Gonzalez touched on how the executive order is impacting the Rio Grande Valley.
     "Disregards the real world consequences that these actions have on our nation's families, and our economy," Gonzalez said.
     Pelosi says she will take what she heard here today back to Washington.


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