Former Indian Lake Police Chief Receives 5 Years Probation
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INDIAN LAKE – The former Indian Lake police chief lost his appeal on Thursday.
John Chambers was convicted on 14 counts of tampering with government records in 2015.
The 13th Court of Appeals upheld the conviction. He now has 15 days to once again appeal his case.
CHANNEL 5 NEWS reached out to John Chambers for comment, but he directed us to his San Antonio attorney Chad Van Brunt.
Van Brunt said they are in disagreement with the 13th Court of Appeals Judge Dory Contreras’ opinion on her interpretation in this case.
He said they will be moving forward to contest it.
Back in 2015, Chambers was arrested when he was police chief in Indian Lake for falsifying information for reserve police officers. According to court documents, Chambers directed another officer to change the reservists’ documents to show that they had successfully passed a firearms proficiency course when they had not.
In March 2015, Chambers resigned his position as police chief of Indian Lake.
When he was convicted by a jury in the 103rd State District Court in 2016, he was forced to give up his peace officers license.
Van Brunt said they have two options – they can request for all of the 13th Court of Appeals Justices to review the case again or send the case to the Court of Criminal Appeals in Austin.
In the original sentencing, Chambers was given five years probation and a $2,500 fine. He is fighting the case in part because with his conviction on his record, he can’t get his peace officers license again.