
Drop in donations leaves Valley veterans headstones without wreaths

By: Sarah Cervera

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Thousands of headstones at the Rio Grande Valley State Veterans Cemetery in Mission do not have a Christmas wreath this year.

Every year volunteers lay wreaths on headstones and this was the first year not every headstone had one.

"We were heartbroken for all of the family members, the service men and women that they didn't get one," Jennifer Hernandez said. "They all deserve to be honored and remembered. We don't want them to think we forgot them."

Hernandez attended this year's wreath laying ceremony at the state cemetery to place a wreath on her father's grave.

RELATED STORY: Volunteers lay wreaths on graves in Mission to honor veterans

Her dad, Jose Hernandez, served in the United States Marines for four years.

"It's really a special time to be able to come and bring the wreath and go to the headstone and say the name of that soldier, so we always say their name, and they live with us every day," Hernandez said.

At the ceremony, Hernandez quickly realized there wasn't enough wreaths for every veteran buried at the cemetery.

The wreaths are all provided with the help of donations.

Onsite Representative for the Rio Grande Valley State Veterans Cemetery George Rice says this year they fell short on donations. 

$5,000 in donations were raised, but it was only enough money to buy wreaths for 500 headstones.

"We fell very far behind," Rice said. "This is the first year that we were not able to populate the entire cemetery with wreaths."

There are several rows of headstones that are currently without wreaths. In total, over 4,000 headstones at the cemetery are not going to have a wreath this year because of the lack of donations.

"Right now, we have a large slew of complaints coming in, rightfully so. I am a veteran myself, highly agitated with the situation," Rice said.

Rice says in order for all 4,500 wreaths to be covered, $60,000 to $70,000 in donations needed to be raised.

Rice explained the reason why they fell short in donations this year.

"The economy is in an impoverished area. The economy is not in the best of shape," Rice said. "I think, lack public knowledge of it, too."

Donations are already being accepted for next year's wreath laying ceremony.

If you would like to make a donation, click here.


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