
Abbott visits Valley manufacturers, signs proclamation for manufacturing week

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Governor Greg Abbott visited a metal stamping company on Wednesday to celebrate Manufacturing Week.

Abbott toured ITD Precision Stampings in Harlingen to promote the role this type of industry plays in the state's economy.

During his speech, Abbott said Harlingen is one of the top cities in the U.S. for small business and congratulates the Economic Development Corporation on receiving a grant that will allow them to develop an industrial park in the city. 

He also recognized the brand 'Made in Texas', saying Texas produces nine percent of all manufactured goods in the U.S.

"Made In Texas is a powerful brand recognized across the entire world," Abbott said.

Abbott signed a proclamation making October Manufacturing month and the first week of the month Manufacturing Week.

"This vital sector of commerce has quite literally built the Lone Star State as we know it. The manufacturers of Texas have earned their rightful place as national and international leaders, contributing directly to the great Texas economic miracle," Abbott said. "Congratulations to all manufacturers across the state. We are proud of what they do for our state, for our economy and for our families."

Governor Abbott went on to give a statement on the deadly fentanyl overdose in Cameron County.

"It's a tragedy that the people of Cameron County, the people in Texas and the people in America should not be having to deal with," Abbott said.

He said Texas law enforcement are escalating efforts to crackdown on the importation of deadly fentanyl, and they are working on educational efforts.

"We are announcing a campaign this month that shares the message across the entire state of Texas to make parents and teachers and students and children aware of the dangers of fentanyl. Especially fentanyl that could be laced to drugs that could be prescription drugs," Abbott said.


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