Weslaco police carry out checks on registered sex offenders ahead of Halloween celebrations
Registered sex offenders in Weslaco were warned Friday that police will be watching this Halloween season.
Registered sex offenders are not allowed to give out Halloween candy or even put up decorations, Weslaco police Chief Joel Rivera said.
“We will be out on Halloween night with investigators in marked vehicles and high visibility patrols in the neighborhoods to make sure the safety and security of our children is our focus,” Rivera said.
Rivera made the announcement as police made unannounced house calls on all the 68 registered sex offenders who live in Weslaco to ensure they’re complying with police.
Authorities say parents should also know who lives in their neighborhoods before their children go trick or treating.
According to the Texas Department of Public Safety website, there are more than 2,700 registered sex offenders living throughout the Valley.
“Be cautious about the neighborhoods where you take your children,” Rivera said.