Weeks after heavy rain, Mission family still surrounded by floodwater
It’s been nearly a month since the most recent flood, but one family in Mission is still surrounded by water.
Severa Salinas has lived on this ranch for more than 20 years, and now, she says the property has become a swamp.
Three weeks after heavy rains, Salinas says she’s had to live surrounded by stagnant water.
According to Hidalgo County Precinct 3, crews can't enter private property to pump water out and must first ask permission from the Hidalgo County Emergency Management Office in order to get pumps out to properties.
A spokesperson told CHANNEL 5 NEWS off-camera they recently installed a pump next to a drainage ditch.
If your food has gone bad and don't have somewhere to stay because of the recent floods, you can call Precinct 3 at 585-4509.