
U.S. Capitol locked down as Trump supporters clash with police

U.S. Capitol locked down as Trump supporters clash with police
3 years 8 months 23 hours ago Wednesday, January 06 2021 Jan 6, 2021 January 06, 2021 1:40 PM January 06, 2021 in News - Local

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Latest on Congress' tally of the Electoral College vote won by Joe Biden (all times local): 

3:40 p.m.

Republican lawmakers are increasingly calling on President Donald Trump to act to deescalate the violent protests at the U.S. Capitol by his supporters angry about his election loss.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said he spoke with the president earlier Wednesday and told him to make a statement to "make sure that we can calm individuals down."  

Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio tweeted that "it is crucial you help restore order by sending resources to assist the police and ask those doing this to stand down."

Republican Rep. Jeff Van Drew of New Jersey told The Associated Press that while he sympathizes with the protesters' position, they shouldn't get violent, and it would be "nice" if Trump called on them to "protest in a peaceful way in an appropriate spot, where you belong, where you should be."

Many Republicans had backed Trump's false claims of widespread voter spread to explain away his defeat to President-elect Joe Biden.

Republican U.S. Rep. Mike Gallagher, of Wisconsin, posted a video message urging Trump to "call it off."

"This is Banana Republic crap that we're watching right now," said Gallagher, who had spoken out against objections from fellow Republicans to certifying President-elect Joe Biden's Electoral College vote.


3:35 p.m.

The Department of Homeland Security is sending additional federal agents to the U.S. Capitol to help quell violence from supporters of President Donald Trump who are protesting Congress' formal approval of President-elect Joe Biden's win.

A spokesperson told The Associated Press on Wednesday that officers from the Federal Protective Service and U.S. Secret Service agents are being sent to the scene. He says they were requested to assist by U.S. Capitol Police.

Dozens of Trump supporters breached security perimeters and entered the Capitol as Congress was meeting, expected to vote and affirm Joe Biden's presidential win. They were seen fighting with officers both inside the building and outside.

Trump has riled up his supporters by falsely claiming widespread voter fraud to explain his loss.

- By AP writer Michael Balsamo


3:30 p.m.  

One person has been shot at the U.S. Capitol as dozens of supporters of President Donald Trump stormed the building and violently clashed with police.

That's according to a person familiar with the matter who spoke to The Associated Press on Wednesday on condition of anonymity amid a chaotic situation.

The exact circumstances surrounding the shooting were unclear. The person said the victim had been taken to a hospital. Their condition was not known.

The shooting came as dozens of Trump supporters breached security perimeters and entered the U.S. Capitol as Congress was meeting, expected to vote and affirm Joe Biden's presidential win. Trump has riled up his supporters by falsely claiming widespread voter fraud to explain his loss.

- By AP writer Michael Balsamo


3:25 p.m.

President Donald Trump is encouraging supporters occupying the U.S. Capitol to "remain peaceful," but he is not calling for them to disperse.

As he faced growing pressure from allies to condemn the violence Wednesday afternoon, Trump tweeted, "No violence!" adding: "Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order - respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue."

But Trump did not ask supporters to vacate the area as the unrest continued.

Trump had appeared earlier at a rally and had urged his supporters to march to the Capitol - at one point even suggesting he would join them. He is upset that he lost the presidential election to Democrat Joe Biden and has falsely claimed voter fraud to explain it away.

He also urged his supporters to "get rid of the weak Congress people" - presumably through primary challenges - saying, "get the weak ones get out; this is the time for strength."


3:15 p.m.

A Defense Department official says Washington, D.C., has requested an additional 200 National Guard members as supporters of President Donald Trump violently clash with law enforcement at the Capitol.

That request is currently under review at the Pentagon to determine how the Guard can respond to support law enforcement.  

According to officials, the Guard members have a very specific mission that does not include putting military at the Capitol. Instead, the Guard must be used to backfill law enforcement outside the Capitol complex, freeing up more law enforcement to respond to the Capitol.

Officials said the request for more National Guard has not been rejected.

Trump had urged his supporters to come to Washington to protest Congress' formal approval of President-elect Joe Biden's win. Several Republican lawmakers backed his calls, despite there being no evidence of fraud or wrongdoing in the election.


3:10 p.m.

Pressure is mounting on President Donald Trump to condemn supporters who are violently clashing with law enforcement on Capitol Hill. 

Among those urging Trump to act: his former communications director, Alyssa Farah, who tweeted that Trump should "Condemn this now."

She says, "you are the only one they will listen to. For our country!"

Dozens of people have breached security perimeters at the Capitol, forcing the lockdown of the building and halting the vote to certify Joe Biden's presidential victory.

Trump has so far offered a single tweet asking his supporters to "Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!"

His former chief of staff Mick Mulvaney tweeted: "The President's tweet is not enough. He can stop this now and needs to do exactly that. Tell these folks to go home."

His lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, also addressed Trump supporters in a tweet, calling them the "patriots challenging the fraudulent election" and telling them that "POTUS wants you to EXPRESS YOUR OPINION PEACEFULLY."  


3 p.m.

Protesters backing President Donald Trump have breached the U.S. Capitol, forcing a delay in the constitutional process to affirm Joe Biden's victory in the November election.   

Trump urged his supporters to come to Washington to protest Congress' formal approval of Biden's win. Several Republican lawmakers have backed his calls, despite there being no evidence of fraud or wrongdoing in the election.

Protesters are now inside the Senate chamber. One got up on the dais and yelled "Trump won that election."  

Several dozen are roaming through the halls, yelling, "Where are they?"

Some were also in the visitors' galleries.


2:50 p.m.

Members of Congress inside the House chamber were told by police to put on gas masks after tear gas was dispersed in the Capitol Rotunda amid skirmishes by supporters of President Donald Trump.  

Pro-Trump protestors breached the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday afternoon, violently clashing with law enforcement as lawmakers were gathered inside to formalize President-elect Joe Biden's victory in November's presidential election.

Law enforcement instructed lawmakers to retrieve masks from under their seats amid the clashes. The Capitol building was placed on lockdown, as Trump supporters marched through evacuated public spaces in the building.

After egging on protests, Trump tweeted to his supporters to "stay peaceful" as they violently clash with law enforcement and breached the Capitol building.


2:47 p.m.  

After egging on protests, President Donald Trump tweeted to his supporters to "stay peaceful" as they violently clash with law enforcement and breached the Capitol building.

"Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement," Trump tweeted, as tear gas was deployed in the locked-down Capitol. "They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!"

Trump at a rally earlier Wednesday encouraged his supporters to head to the Capitol.

"We're going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women, and we're probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them," Trump said.


2:45 p.m.

Lawmakers are being evacuated from the U.S. Capitol after protesters breached security and entered the building.  

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and other senators were led out, escorted by staff and police on Wednesday afternoon. Members of the House were also being evacuated. Both chambers had been debating the certification of Joe Biden's victory in the Electoral College.

The skirmishes came shortly after President Donald Trump addressed thousands of his supporters, riling up the crowd with his baseless claims of election fraud.  

Protesters could be seen marching through the Capitol's stately Statuary Hall shouting and waving Trump banners and American flags.

Some House lawmakers tweeted they were sheltering in place in their offices.


2:40 p.m.

The mayor of Washington, D.C., has ordered a curfew in the nation's capital beginning at 6 p.m. Wednesday after protestors seeking to overturn the election results stormed the U.S. Capitol building.

Mayor Muriel Bowser issued the order as protestors supporting President Donald Trump breached the Capitol, where lawmakers were meeting to formally count the electors that will make Joe Biden president on Jan. 20.

The order extends through 6 a.m. Thursday.

The skirmishes came shortly after Trump addressed thousands of his supporters, riling up the crowd with his baseless claims of election fraud.


2:30 p.m.

Protesting supporters of President Donald Trump have breached the U.S. Capitol.

There was confusion in the House chamber as the Capitol doors were locked and the debate over the electoral count was suspended.  

A representative from the Capitol police spoke from a lectern on the dais and told lawmakers to remain calm, and that more information would be available soon.

House Rules Committee Chairman James McGovern of Massachusetts told the crowd that the House expected to go back into session soon. Meanwhile, members milled around the floor and looked at their phones.

Reporters and others outside the chamber were told to go their seats inside and not leave.

The skirmishes came just shortly after Trump addressed thousands of his supporters, riling up the crowd with his baseless claims of election fraud.


WASHINGTON (AP) - The U.S. Capitol locked down Wednesday with lawmakers inside as violent clashes broke out between supporters of President Donald Trump and police.

An announcement was played inside the Capitol as lawmakers were meeting and expected to vote to affirm Joe Biden's victory. Due to an "external security threat," no one could enter or exit the Capitol complex, the recording said.   

Both chambers abruptly went into recess.  

The skirmishes occurred outside in the very spot where president-elect Biden will be inaugurated in just two weeks.

Protesters tore down metal barricades at the bottom of the Capitol's steps and were met by officers in riot gear. Some tried to push past the officers who held shields and officers could be seen firing pepper spray into the crowd to keep them back. Some in the crowd were shouting "traitors" as officers tried to keep them back.

A suspicious package was also reported in the area, Capitol Police said. 

The skirmishes came just shortly after Trump addressed thousands of his supporters, riling up the crowd with his baseless claims of election fraud at a rally near the White House on Wednesday ahead of Congress' vote. 

"We will not let them silence your voices," Trump told the protesters, who had lined up before sunrise to get a prime position to hear the president.

(Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.)

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