Texas launches Narcan locator map to combat fentanyl crisis
For more than 10 years, Joel Morales has helped people recover from substance use disorders at the Palmer Drug Abuse Program in McAllen.
“Our program has been here since 1988,” Morales said, adding that he’s heard what can happen to people who have overdosed from opioids such as fentanyl.
"We hear from the adults, they come in and say, ‘I had cocaine and it had fentanyl, it messed me up. I almost died,” Morales said.
That's why Morales said its important people know where to access Narcan, a treatment that helps reverse the effects of a drug overdose.
“It's a matter of life and death,” Morales said.
On Monday, the Texas Department of State Health Services launched an online interactive map that helps people find Narcan near them.
All you have to do is input your zip code, city or county and it will show you the nearest location that has Narcan available
“I think that is great, it’s a stepping stone to the future,” Morales said.
Watch the video above for the full story.