
Texas Gov. Abbott issues 2 new executive orders

Texas Gov. Abbott issues 2 new executive orders
4 years 11 months 4 days ago Sunday, March 22 2020 Mar 22, 2020 March 22, 2020 3:16 PM March 22, 2020 in News

Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced on Sunday that he has issued two new executive orders.

The executive orders announced will expand hospital capacities by postponing all surgeries/ procedures not medically necessary and increase room availability by changing how many people can be treated in a room, Abbot said.

Abbott also addressed the shelter in place concern by saying health officials must first see the level of effectiveness of the executive orders.

He explained it wouldn’t be fair to issue a shelter in place for all counties, considering some don’t have any positive COVID-19 cases.

Abbott encouraged local governments to enforce stricter standards in communities with a larger number of positive cases.

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