
Strong winds causing power outages in Brownsville

Strong winds causing power outages in Brownsville
2 years 10 months 1 week ago Wednesday, February 16 2022 Feb 16, 2022 February 16, 2022 4:43 PM February 16, 2022 in News - Local
Credit: MGN Online

Strong winds gusts may cause power interruptions for some Brownsville Public Utilities Board (BPUB) customers, officials said on Wednesday.

Temporarily power outages could result from fallen tree branches and palm tree debris, BPUB said in a news release.

“BPUB is aware of the disruptions and is addressing the situation,” the news release stated. “BPUB employees are working to restore electricity to impacted customers. Residential and commercial customers are asked to be patient as BPUB employees work as quickly and safely as possible to restore outages. All interruptions in power are being prioritized to address the most crucial incidents first. ”

For more information or to report an outage, call 956-983-6300 or visit assist.brownsville-pub.com.

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