
Plans for new EMS service in the Delta area

Plans for new EMS service in the Delta area
2 years 2 months 4 weeks ago Monday, September 26 2022 Sep 26, 2022 September 26, 2022 10:26 PM September 26, 2022 in News - Local

Wait times of up to 40 minutes for an ambulance is what could have happened starting Friday in one part of Hidalgo County. 

A new EMS company is serving the western portion of the county, and now leaders in the Delta area are taking matters into their own hands. 

RELATED: Pharr EMS ending services with cities in western Hidalgo County 

Hidalgo County Precinct 5 Justice of the Peace Jason Pena covers Hidalgo County's Delta area from Hargill to La Villa, far from highways and hospitals. 

Pharr EMS is cutting ties with the area because it was getting too costly to foot the ambulance bills for people who were unable to pay for them.

"Within that time, we're creating our own EMS service," Pena said. 

Pena also leads the Emergency Service District No. 2, which charges a tax in the Delta area, and is responsible for bringing ambulance services. 

Commissioners court is planning on selecting a new ambulance company for the Delta area. Meanwhile, the emergency district for the region has asked for a 45-day extension to the Pharr EMS contract. They also plan on creating a new ambulance company. 

Pena said it is likely that there will be a plan for a new ambulance company by the end of next week.

Watch the video above for the full report. 

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