Harlingen auto shop surprises single mother with free car
Christmas may have passed, but the season of giving continues.
A Valley auto shop recently partnered with the Salvation Army in order to give a single mother of five a new car.
“I feel very honored and blessed,” Harlingen resident Chrystal Lozano said. “Things like this just don’t happen to me, ever. I’m always real humble and try to help everybody as much as I can. It’s an honor to be picked for something so special.”
Aaron Mendez, owner of Collision Stop in Harlingen, is behind the annual giveaway.
He says it’s simple: find an older car, repair it, and give it to a family in need.
"Especially in times right now where things are so difficult, we're all looking for some hope and this gives us hope for better things,” Mendez said. “If we can help one individual, one family; then we've done what we needed to do."
This is their third year doing these giveaways.
Mendez says he even challenges other body shops to do this type of good deed as well.