
Neighbors to Fatal Hit-and-Run Raising Safety Concerns

Neighbors to Fatal Hit-and-Run Raising Safety Concerns
6 years 20 hours 53 minutes ago Tuesday, March 12 2019 Mar 12, 2019 March 12, 2019 5:43 PM March 12, 2019 in News - Local

BROWNSVILLE – Neighbors to a fatal hit-and-run that took the life of a cyclist are raising concerns about the area of the incident.

Police say a 79-year-old cyclist is dead after a hit-and-run incident Monday.

Authorities say Nicolas Garza was riding his bike along the 5700 block of Padre Island Highway when he was hit.

Rosavala Garcia works at a nearby daycare center a few feet from the incident.

She says she has seen plenty of accidents near the center in her three years working.

"There was an accident where they came all the way into the business. They knocked down the fence, thank god the kids weren't outside," says Garcia.

She says traffic is too crazy in the area and there is no safe place for people to pass through.

The city of Brownsville says they will look into possible changes in the area.

For more information watch the video above.

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