McAllen First United Methodist Church providing items to McAllen ISD’s Clothing Closet
McAllen First United Methodist Church providing items to McAllen ISD’s Clothing Closet
The McAllen First United Methodist Church is helping McAllen ISD provide the tools of success to students.
The tools are in the form of donated clothing and personal hygiene products for students in need that go directly to the McAllen ISD’s Clothing Closet.
The church's mission and outreach coordinator, Susan Hellums, said she’s taken on many projects to help collect and distribute donations. Helping the McAllen ISD Closet is a recurring project.
Hellums says the church participates because of the closet's importance to the community
“It isn't just an education, but it's the support of the community,” Hellums said.
The closet is available to all students and families pre-k through 12th grade within the district. The closet is open year-round and relies on donations to operate.
“These items that we have are essential items as schools supplies, jackets, shoes, and we even have some hygiene products,” McAllen ISD Social Services Case Manager Connie Cavallero said. "This is really a partnership from within the funding of the district, and a collaboration with community members"
Students or families who may need items from the closet can contact their school's social worker on campus.