
Improvements Made to Troubling Road in Brownsville

Improvements Made to Troubling Road in Brownsville
6 years 11 months 1 day ago Wednesday, January 24 2018 Jan 24, 2018 January 24, 2018 4:52 PM January 24, 2018 in News

BROWNSVILLE – A Brownsville road is a little safer after the city made enhancements.

Back in August, CHANNEL 5 NEWS reported on the dangers and concerns nearby residents had about Dana Avenue. One of the big concerns for the two-lane road was a 10-foot ditch right across the Harmony School of Innovation.

Brownsville Director of Traffic Robert Esparza told us in August they would need to finish a sidewalk project before addressing the drainage ditch.

“If we need (to) put some dome posts there on the side of the road to remind people not to go there and park because there’s a canal there, then we can look at that absolutely. We can do something like that,” he said.

The dome posts are now installed adding an extra layer of protection for both students and motorists.

Esparza said the next phase of the project is to widen Dana Avenue and cover up the ditch.

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