Harlingen police report rise in retail thefts
Harlingen police are seeing a rise in thefts at big name retailers across the city.
Just this past month, five separate incidents have been reported.
Police say all of these thefts seem to be isolated incidents. Stores like Walmart, HEB, Academy and Target have been targeted over the past month.
Suspects are taking off with items like clothes, tools, ammunition and even meat. These all sound like small ticket items, but police say they eventually add up.
Investigators have combed over multiple surveillance videos and have confirmed the thieves are repeat offenders.
"One in particular, when she was stopped, she had multiple IDs, she had multiple credit cards belonging to other people. So she had committed thefts in the past and used them that belonged to other people," Harlingen Police Department spokesperson Sgt. Larry Moore said.
At least five people have been arrested and charged in connection to these thefts. Police say the suspect's motives can vary when it comes to these types of crimes.
"So it varies what type of items they try to take if they are either trying to take it for themselves or they are going to try and resell it out in the public," Moore said.
Depending on how serious the offense is determines what the punishment will be.
If you have prior arrests, your charges can increase from a Class C to B misdemeanor, plus you might have to pay hundreds in fines.
Harlingen police say you should always keep an eye out for suspicious activity while you're at the store and to keep your personal items, like your bag or wallet, close to you at all times.
They also want to remind everyone that if they see something, say something by flagging down a loss prevention agent or ask to speak to a manager.