
Coronavirus surge impacting organ donations

Coronavirus surge impacting organ donations
4 years 5 months 3 weeks ago Saturday, July 18 2020 Jul 18, 2020 July 18, 2020 10:28 AM July 18, 2020 in News - Local

As the coronavirus pandemic continues, the Texas Organ Sharing alliance is facing challenges – anyone who tests positive for the virus no longer qualifies to be an organ donor.

Edwina Garza, Senior Communications Coordinator for the Texas Organ Sharing Alliance explains that at the start of the pandemic they began seeing a decline in organ donations.

She explains donations have recently risen back to normal, but COVID-19 patients “ruled out” of being donors.

“In the future, with research they may tell us that it's safe to do an organ recovery from someone who has corona virus but today they don't," Garza said.

She says she hopes the community continues considering becoming an organ donor during a time when families might be on their last strand of emotional support.

Anyone interested in becoming an organ donor can do so by renewing their driver’s license at their local Texas Department of Motor Vehicles office.

For more information watch the video above.

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