City Plans to Advertise in Mexico to Boost Sales Tax
MERCEDES - The city of Mercedes said they are tracking a drop in tax revenues.
Last month, the Texas Comptroller’s website showed sales tax was down 13 percent in Mercedes from the same time frame in 2016.
Mercedes Development Corporation executive director Hernan Gonzalez said the drop in revenue is forcing the city to promote itself in Mexico.
Gonzalez said the devaluation of the peso and statements made by President Trump could have an impact on their shoppers.
“The peso is down, the oil industry is down. We think part of the other reason is the Trump effect. Words do mean something,” he said. “What we wanted to do is a campaign that is welcoming, says please and thank you, and we’re glad you’re here.”
The board said its spending $10,000 on a marketing campaign in Monterrey.
McAllen created a similar campaign aimed at attracting shoppers.