Cameron County approves election to make SpaceX's Starbase its own city
Cameron County Judge Eddie Trevino Jr. signed an order approving an election to determine if Starbase can become a city, according to a Wednesday news release.
“If the election passes, this will be the newest town in Cameron County since Los Indios in 1995. We look forward to seeing the outcome of this election,” Treviño stated in the news release.
RELATED COVERAGE: SpaceX requesting special election to incorporate Starbase into Cameron County
Residents at Starbase submitted a petition to hold the election back in December.
"I think it is just exciting that there is a new community in Cameron County, it's an indication of the growth," Cameron County Elections Administrator Remi Garza said.
The news release said Election Day is scheduled to take place on Saturday, May 3, 2025.
Garza said only residents on Starbase will vote on this election.
"Essentially, those who reside in the boundaries are the ones who are going to be directly impacted by any rules or ordinances or taxes that are imposed in the community,” Garza said. “So they are the ones that have the opportunity to vote."
If it becomes a city, Starbase would become a Type C municipality consisting a mayor and two city commissioners.
On Election Day, voters will also be electing their first mayor and two commissioners, which Garza said must reside in the boundaries of Starbase to be eligible to run and vote in the election.
Garza said that as of Feb. 6, about 154 people were registered to vote in Starbase.
Those who plan to run for mayor or city council must apply by Monday, March 3.
The deadline to register to vote for the election is Thursday, April 3.
The polling location will be held at the "HUB," located at 39046 LBJ Boulevard in Brownsville.
Early voting will run from Tuesday, April 22 through Friday, April 25 from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. at that same location. Early voting will continue on Saturday, April 26, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Monday, April, and Tuesday, April 29 from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
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