
Brownsville ISD fighting new bill proposing school vouchers

Brownsville ISD fighting new bill proposing school vouchers
1 year 7 months 6 days ago Monday, February 13 2023 Feb 13, 2023 February 13, 2023 12:08 PM February 13, 2023 in News

The Brownsville Independent School District is trying to keep public education alive.

The district has been closely monitoring this year's legislative session involving school choice. State lawmakers are proposing different ways to fund education, giving parents more say in their child's education. 

"We want to make sure that we're not left behind. Like we've been left in the past when it comes to funding public education," Brownsville ISD Superintendent Dr. Rene Gutierrez said.

Brownsville ISD is taking a stance against the new Senate bill, which would create an education savings account program. 

If passed, it would allow parents to use state money to pay for private or online schooling. The funds could also be used to help pay for private tutors.

If parents choose private education over public education, Brownsville ISD Trustee Daniella Lopez Valdez said funding for public schools could be minimized.

"It would be detrimental to our community because we are the largest employer. A lot of people look to districts to help supply in times of need," Valdez said.

Gutierrez said public school districts would benefit from equitable funding.

"Our funding formula is not equitable in comparison to the rest of the state, and we want to make sure there's more equity and more pairing when it comes to funding public ed," Gutierrez said.

Gutierrez said the bill could lead to a drop in student enrollment which fuel funding, which could impact staff and programs.

"Specifically special, we don't get funded enough from the state. We always have to put in from our local funds millions of dollars to be able to sustain the services that we need to sustain," Gutierrez said. "We don't get enough from the state when it comes to this kind of services that we need to provide, but we're expected to have those services."

Gov. Greg Abbott said parents should have a right to choose the education their child is getting. Brownsville ISD says parents have always had a choice

"The school district is the pillar of the community and by calling this school choice it would really hurt a lot of people. So I think it's important that we unite not just Brownsville ISD, but with all of our districts in the area and show our support for public education," Valdez said.

The superintendent and some Brownsville ISD board members traveled to Austin to speak to state lawmakers in January. They said they are ready to travel back to advocate for the needs of public education again.

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