
Border Patrol Says Number of Chinese Nationals Being Apprehended Increasing

Border Patrol Says Number of Chinese Nationals Being Apprehended Increasing
5 years 9 months 2 weeks ago Tuesday, March 26 2019 Mar 26, 2019 March 26, 2019 9:33 PM March 26, 2019 in News - Local

WESLACO - Border Patrol agents say the number of people Chinese nationals being apprehended is increasing.

CHANNEL 5 NEWS spoke to South Texas College Political Science Associate Professor, Jennifer Clark, who focuses on human trafficking and migration.

Clark estimates many of the Chinese nationals may be coming to the U.S. thinking they are getting a job.

"They probably don't know that they're being labor trafficked usually. Basically what happens is you got recruitment agencies like in China or in India that recruit them. They usually bring them on ships to somewhere in Central America," she says.

Clark says when tougher immigration measures increase on the border, the price for people making the journey across the border illegally will increase.

Border Patrol agents say Chinese nationals are processed the same way as people from Central America and they are provided with translators to help them with their claims.

For more information watch the video above.


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