As new school year approaches, school shooting survivor shares her story
With parents across the Valley getting ready to send their kids back to school, some are wondering if their child's campus is safe.
During the Region One Security Conference held Tuesday, a Valley student spoke with officials from local law enforcement agencies and Valley school districts to share her experiences as a survivor of a school shooting.
Amanda Martínez, a junior with the Rio Grande City Consolidated Independent School District, recalled how she survived a school shooting as a kindergartener in Miguel Alemán, Mexico.
Martinez said she remembers having to lay flat during the shooting.
“I just want people to understand that it's very horrible to live through something like that,” Martinez said. “People think that because they're in the U.S. that they're safe and that nothing like that would ever happen. But the truth is, it will."
With the recent Uvalde school shooting, officials from Region One will be checking security measures at all public schools.
Watch the video above for the full story.